Object Dictionary#

Object dictionary holds CAN objects that can be accessed using SDOs and in some cases by PDOs. There are three main groups in which the address space is divided into:

  1. Communication Area

  2. Manufacturer Specific Area

  3. Profile Specific Area

1. Communication Area#

The communication area describes the CANopen objects compliant with CiA301 standard.

0x1000 - Device type#

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x1000 0x00 Device type UINT32 RO - - - 0x00020192 -

0x1001 - Error Register#

Indicates whether an error has occured. Currently, only the 0th bit is implemented, that indicates a general error. For a more verbose error and warning status, please see 0x2004 System Status.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x1001 0x00 Error Register UINT8 RO TX - - 0x00 -

Bit Meaning
0 General Error

0x1008 - Manufacturer Device Name#

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x1008 0x00 Manufacturer Device Name STR RO - - - "MD80" -

0x1010 - Store Parameters#

Use this object for saving parameters in non-volatile memory. Works only in “switch on disabled” state. To avoid saving parameters by mistake a value of 0x65766173 has to be explicitly written to 0x1010:1.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x1010 0x01 Store Parameters UINT32 RW - - - - -

0x1017 - Producer Heartbeat Time#

Defines the period of heartbeat message sent by the MD80.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x1017 0x00 Producer Heartbeat Time UINT16 RW - - - - -

0x1600 - Receive PDO1 mapping#

Index PDO Index Name
0x1600 - Receive PDO1 mapping
0x1600:1 0x6040 ControlWord

0x1601 - Receive PDO2 mapping#

Index PDO Index Name
0x1601 - Receive PDO2 mapping
0x1601:1 0x6040 ControlWord
0x1601:2 0x6060 Modes Of Operation

0x1602 - Receive PDO3 mapping#

Index PDO Index Name
0x1602 - Receive PDO3 mapping
0x1602:1 0x6040 ControlWord
0x1602:2 0x607A Target Position

0x1603 - Receive PDO4 mapping#

Index PDO Index Name
0x1603 - Receive PDO4 mapping
0x1603:1 0x6040 ControlWord
0x1603:2 0x60FF Target Velocity

0x1A00 - Transmit PDO1 mapping#

Index PDO Index Name
0x1A00 - Transmit PDO1 mapping
0x1A00:1 0x6041 StatusWord
0x1A00:2 0x6061 Modes Of Operation Display

0x1A01 - Transmit PDO2 mapping#

Index PDO Index Name
0x1A01 - Transmit PDO2 mapping
0x1A01:1 0x6041 StatusWord
0x1A01:2 0x6064 Position Actual Value

0x1A02 - Transmit PDO3 mapping#

Index PDO Index Name
0x1A02 - Transmit PDO3 mapping
0x1A02:1 0x6041 StatusWord
0x1A02:2 0x606C Velocity Actual Value

0x1A03 - Transmit PDO4 mapping#

Index PDO Index Name
0x1A03 - Transmit PDO4 mapping
0x1A03:1 0x6041 StatusWord
0x1A03:2 0x6077 Torque Actual Value

2. Manufacturer Specific Area#

The manufacturer specific area describes the custom CANopen objects, valid only for MD80s.

0x2000 - Motor Settings#

Configures the most important motor settings. This object is especially useful when you want to configure or reconfigure an MD series motor controller for a particular motor. Be sure to save after modification using 0x1010 Store Parameters.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x2000 0x01 Pole Pairs UINT32 RW - yes [2;255] 0 -
0x2000 0x02 Torque constant FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 Nm/A
0x2000 0x03 Phase Inductance FLOAT32 RW - yes [5nH-100mH] 0 H
0x2000 0x04 Phase Resistance FLOAT32 RW - yes [5mOhm-20Ohm] 0 Ohm
0x2000 0x05 Torque Bandwidth UINT16 RW - yes 50-2500 0 Hz
0x2000 0x06 Motor Name STR(20) RW - yes - 0 -
0x2000 0x07 Motor Shutdown Temperature UINT8 RW - yes 10-80 0 *C
0x2000 0x08 Gear Ratio FLOAT32 RW - yes - 1 -
0x2000 0x09 Calibration Mode UINT8 RW - yes FULL = 0, NOPPDET = 1 0 -
0x2000 0x0A Can ID UINT32 RW - yes 1 - 31 1 -

0x2001 - Velocity PID Controller#

Configures the Velocity PID controller gains. Be sure to save after modification using 0x1010 Store Parameters.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x2001 0x01 Kp FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 -
0x2001 0x02 Ki FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 -
0x2001 0x03 Kd FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 -
0x2001 0x04 Integral Limit FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 Nm


0x2002 - Position PID Controller#

Configures the Position PID controller gains. Be sure to save after modification using 0x1010 Store Parameters.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x2002 0x01 Kp FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 -
0x2002 0x02 Ki FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 -
0x2002 0x03 Kd FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 -
0x2002 0x04 Integral Limit FLOAT32 RW - yes - 0 rad/s


0x2003 - System Command#

Allows to issue a system command. Write a non-zero value to start a specific action. Actions work only in “switch on disabled” state and “service” (-1) operation mode.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x2003 0x01 Blink LEDs BOOL RW - - - 0 -
0x2003 0x02 Reset Controller BOOL RW - - - 0 -
0x2003 0x03 Run Calibration BOOL RW - - - 0 -
0x2003 0x04 Run Output Encoder Calibration BOOL RW - - - 0 -
0x2003 0x05 Set Zero BOOL RW - - - 0 -
0x2003 0x06 Calibrate Current PI Gains BOOL RW - - - 0 -

0x2004 - System Status#

Allows to read System status. Each specific status is a UINT32, where lower bits (0-15) indicate errors, and higher bits (16-31) indicate warnings. Please see the Status section to see how to decode the status to individual fields.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x2004 0x01 Main Encoder Status UINT32 RW - - - 0 -
0x2004 0x02 Output Encoder Status UINT32 RW - - - 0 -
0x2004 0x03 Calibration Status UINT32 RW - - - 0 -
0x2004 0x04 Bridge Status UINT32 RW - - - 0 -
0x2004 0x05 Hardware Status UINT32 RW - - - 0 -
0x2004 0x02 Motion Status UINT32 RW - - - 0 -

0x2005 - Output Encoder#

Output encoder related record.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x2005 0x01 Type UINT32 RW - yes 1 (AS5047_CENTER), 2 (AS5047_OFFAXIS), 3 (MB053SFA17BENT00) 0 -
0x2005 0x02 Calibration Mode UINT32 RW - yes FULL = 0, DIRONLY = 1 0 -
0x2005 0x03 Mode UINT32 RW - yes NONE = 0, STARTUP = 1, MOTION = 2, REPORT = 3 0 -
0x2005 0x04 Position FLOAT32 RO TX - - 0.0 rad
0x2005 0x05 Velocity FLOAT32 RO TX - - 0.0 rad/s

0x2006 - Temperature#

Motor and mosfet temperature readout record.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x2006 0x01 Motor Temperature FLOAT32 RO TX - - 0.0 -
0x2006 0x02 Mosfet Temperature FLOAT32 RO TX - - 0.0 -

3. Profile Specific Area#

The profile specific area describes the CANopen objects compliant with CiA402 standard.

0x6040 - Control Word#

Control word is used to change the state of the internal CiA402 state machine implemented on the drive.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6040 0x00 Control Word UINT16 RW RX - - 0x00 -

The state machine is defined as follows:


All the transitions are based on the control word. The current state can be read using the status word (0x6041).

Command Reset Fault (bit 7) Enable Operation (bit 3) Quick Stop (bit 2) Disable Voltage (bit 1) Switch On (bit 0) Decimal value
Shutdown 0 X 1 1 0 6
Switch on 0 0 1 1 1 7
Switch on and Enable Operation 0 1 1 1 1 15
Disable Voltage 0 X X 0 X 0
Quick Stop 0 X 0 1 X 2
Disable operation 0 0 1 1 1 7
Enable operation 0 1 1 1 1 15
Fault reset 0->1 X X X X 128

X means “do not care”


To put the drive into operational mode set:

  1. Control word = 6 (dec) (Shutdown cmd)

  2. Control word = 15 (dec) (Switch on and Enable Operation cmds)

The events and respective transitions are gathered in the table below:

Transition Event Internal action
0 Automatic transition after power up Drive internal initialization
1 Automatic transition after drives internal initialization Object dictionary is initalized with NVM data
2 Shutdown command received None
3 Switch on command received None
4 Enable operation command received Current controllers are on, power is applied to the motor
5 Disable operation command received Current controllers are off, power is not applied to the motor
6 Shutdown command received Current controllers are turned off
7 Quick stop command received Current controllers are turned off
8 Shutdown command received Current controllers are turned off
9 Disable voltage command received Current controllers are turned off
10 Disable voltage / Quick stop command received Current controllers are turned off
11 Quick stop command received Quick stop action is enabled. The drive decelerates and transits to SWITCH ON DISABLED
12 Automatic transition when quick stop is completed Current controllers are turned off
13 Fault ocurred Current controllers are turned off
14 Automatic transition to fault state None
15 Fault reset command received Fault is cleared if not critical

0x6041 - Status Word#

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6041 0x00 Status Word UINT16 RO TX - - 0x00 -

Status Word State Machine State
xxxx xxxx x0xx 0000 Not ready to switch on
xxxx xxxx x1xx 0000 Switch on disabled
xxxx xxxx x01x 0001 Ready to switch on
xxxx xxxx x01x 0011 Switched on
xxxx xxxx x01x 0111 Operation Enabled
xxxx xxxx x00x 0111 Quick stop active
xxxx xxxx x0xx 1111 Fault reaction active
xxxx xxxx x0xx 1000 Quick stop active

bit 10 of the statusword indicates the current target has been reached (1) or not (0). This bit is motion mode - dependent, meaning for example in position mode it indicates the position has been reached (within a 0x6067 Position Window margin), and in velocity mode that a velocity target has been reached (within 0x606D Velocity Window).

bit 11 of the statusword indicates whether any of the internal limits was active during current power up - for more information on which limit is active, check the 0x2004:7 Motion Status.

0x6060 - Modes Of Operation#

Use this object to request a motion mode change. The actual mode is reflected in 0x6061 Modes Of Operation Display.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6060 0x00 Modes Of Operation INT8 RW RX - - 0x00 -

Value Mode
-1 Service
0 Idle
1 Profile Position
3 Profile Velocity
8 Cyclic Sync Position
9 Cyclic Sync Velocity


Mode in which System Commands can be issued.


Default state of the drive. No torque is produced, motor phases are shorted to GND which causes a damping sensation on the shaft.

Profile position#

Profile position mode uses a trapeziodal trajectory generator on top of the Position PID controller. Allows to perform smooth point-to-point movements.


Profile velocity#

Profile velocity mode uses a trapeziodal trajectory generator on top of the Velocity PID controller. Allows to reach a certain velocity with a constant acceleration / deceleration.


Cyclic Sync Position#

Raw position PID controller. Target position is reached as fast as possible, respecting the position range limits, max velocity, and max torque limit. To achieve smooth trajectories new setpoints need to be sent with high frequency.

Cyclic Sync Velocity#

Raw velocity PID controller. Target velocity is reached as fast as possible, respecting the max velocity limit, and max torque limit. To achieve smooth acceleration new velocity setpoints need to be sent with high frequency.

0x6061 - Modes Of Operation Display#

Use this object to read current motion mode

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6061 0x00 Modes Of Operation Display INT8 RO TX - - 0x00 -

Value Mode
-1 Service
0 Idle
1 Profile Position
3 Profile Velocity
8 Cyclic Sync Position
9 Cyclic Sync Velocity

0x6062 - Position Demand Value#

This object provides the target position for Position PID controller, after the limits have been applied. Expressed in encoder increments.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6062 0x00 Position Demand Value INT32 RO - - - 0x00 INC

0x6064 - Position Actual Value#

Provides the actual position value read from the encoder, expressed in the output shaft reference frame. Expressed in encoder increments.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6064 0x00 Position Actual Value INT32 RO TX - - 0x00 INC

0x6067 - Position Window#

Sets the size of the position window within which the target position is considered to have been reached. This value is symmetrically added to both sides of the target position value. Expressed in encoder increments.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6067 0x00 Position Window INT32 RW TX - - 0x00 INC

0x606B - Velocity Demand Value#

Provides the target velocity value for the Velocity PID controller, after the limits have been applied. Expressed in RPM.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x606B 0x00 Velocity Demand Value INT32 RO TX - - 0x00 RPM

0x606C - Velocity Actual Value#

Provides the actual velocity value read from the encoder, expressed in the output shaft reference frame. Expressed in RPM.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x606C 0x00 Velocity Actual Value INT32 RO TX - - 0x00 RPM

0x606D - Velocity Window#

Sets the size of the velocity window within which the target velocity is considered to have been reached. This value is symmetrically added to both sides of the target velocity value. Expressed in RPM.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x606D 0x00 Velocity Window INT32 RW TX - - 0x00 RPM

0x6072 - Max Torque#

Configures the maximum allowed torque in the motor. The value is expressed in permille of rated torque. Example: rated torque of the motor is 1Nm, and the maximum is 2Nm. The Max Torque object should equal to 2000.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6072 0x00 Max Torque UNT16 RW RX yes 32767 0x00 -

0x6073 - Max Current#

Configures the maximum allowed phase current in the motor. The value is expressed in permille of rated current. Example: rated current of the motor is 15A, and the maximum is 30A. The Max Current object should equal to 2000.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6073 0x00 Max Current UNT16 RW RX yes 50000 0x00 -

0x6075 - Motor Rated Current#

Configures the motor rated current expressed in mA. This object is a reference for parameters such as 0x6073 Max Current. The value should be taken from the motor’s datasheet.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6075 0x00 Motor Rated Current INT32 RW - yes 1000000 0x00 mA

0x6076 - Motor Rated Torque#

Configures the motor rated torque expressed in mNm. This object is a reference for parameters such as 0x6072 Max Torque. The value should be taken from the motor’s datasheet.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6076 0x00 Motor Rated Torque INT32 RW - yes 1000000 0x00 mNm

0x6077 - Torque Actual Value#

Provides the actual velocity value read from the encoder, expressed in the output shaft reference frame. Expressed in permille of 0x6076 Motor Rated Torque.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6077 0x00 Torque Actual Value INT16 RO TX - - 0x00 -

0x607A - Target Position#

Sets the target position for all motion modes.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x607A 0x00 Target Position INT32 RW RX - - 0x00 inc

0x607D - Software Position Limit#

Configures software limits that each new target position is checked against, and clipped if needed.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x607D 0x01 Min Position Limit INT32 RW RX yes - 0x00 inc

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x607D 0x02 Max Position Limit INT32 RW RX yes - 0x00 inc

0x6080 - Max Motor Speed#

Sets the maximum allowed velocity of the actuator’s output shaft in both directions.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6080 0x00 Max Motor Speed UINT32 RW RX - - 1000 RPM

0x6081 - Profile Velocity#

Configures the target velocity for the profile position mode. If this value is greater than 0x6080 Max Motor Speed, it will be limited to Max Motor Speed.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6081 0x00 Profile Velocity UINT32 RW RX yes - 0 RPM

0x6083 - Profile Acceleration#

Configures the acceleration for profile position and profile velocity modes.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6083 0x00 Profile Acceleration UINT32 RW RX - - 0 RPM/s

0x6084 - Profile Deceleration#

Configures the deceleration for profile position and profile velocity modes.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6084 0x00 Profile Deceleration UINT32 RW RX - - 0 RPM/s

0x60FF - Target Velocity#

Sets the target velocity for all motion modes.

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x60FF 0x00 Target Velocity INT32 RW RX - - 0 RPM

0x6502 - Supported Drive Modes#

Indicates the supported drive modes (binary value).

Index Sub Index Name Data Type SDO PDO NVM Range Default Units
0x6502 0x00 Supported Drive Modes INT32 RO - - - 647 -